Protecting the unborn, sharing the gospel, and transforming our communities-

One Life At A Time

Our mission remains unchanged.

While we are certainly thankful that Amendment 4 has failed in Florida, our work is far from over. There are still those who are in need of our services, and our mission remains unchanged.

Genesis 50:20 reminds us that what the enemy means for harm, God means for good. We must use the momentum from this life-affirming decision to continue to protect the unborn, share the gospel, and transform our communities - one life at a time.

There’s No Time To Wait

Each day, approximately 2,500 unborn children are expected to lose their lives to abortion.

Abortion is never a good option for women—or men. 

For each of the nearly 1 million abortions per year in the United States, there is a mom and a dad

left to pick up the pieces and deal with the impact of their loss. 

Together, we can transform their situation.

Will you join us in the fight against abortion in the Tampa Bay community?



As ordinary people find themselves in extraordinary, unplanned circumstances, the pro-life movement must extend beyond the life of the baby. You can get involved in our compassionate, whole-person approach. 

There will always be a need for faithful, compassionate people like you to support those facing difficult pregnancy decisions. Women, men, children, and teens, need to be educated, equipped and empowered to make the best choices for their lives and their futures.

Where You’re Needed Most


The most effective thing you can do as a pro-lifer is to get involved. New Life Solutions is a recognized national leader in effectively advancing the pro-life movement. From prayer and volunteering to financial partnership, you can help us save babies from abortion, and support women, men, children, and teens in our community. 

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Youth, Culture, & Community

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Women’s Health & Pregnancy

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Abortion Recovery Support

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Single Mothers & Children


“It’s amazing to have one of the greatest pro-life organizations in the country right here in Tampa Bay. We get to be part of leading the pro-life movement and transforming our community.”

— Joe, New Life Solutions Donor

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Provide Life Support

Help us protect the unborn, share the gospel, and transform our communities…
One Life at a Time.