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Mission-Centered Career Opportunities

Working at New Life Solutions is more than just a job. We are on mission every day, committed to love and empower others through their circumstances, whether that be an unplanned pregnancy, a sexually transmitted disease, an unexpected test result, the loss or abandonment of a father, or the silent grief of abortion.

We seek medical professionals, counselors, administrators, etc. who are compelled by the love of Christ to protect the unborn, share the Gospel, and transform our communities, one life at a time.


Current Job Openings:

Medical —

No open positions at the moment - All New Life Solutions medical team positions are currently filled.

Non-Medical —

No open positions at the moment - All New Life Solutions non-medical positions are currently filled.

For more information and to submit a resume, please contact

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ ”

—Matthew 25:40

Provide Life Support 

Help us protect the unborn, share the gospel, and transform our communities… 
One Life at a Time.