The Power of Relationships

“We love, because He first loved us.” - 1 John 4:19 NASB

“We love, because He first loved us.” - 1 John 4:19 NASB

Written by: Sara Tavoularis (More2Life Lead Educator)

Have you ever wondered why you keep getting let down in relationships? Or maybe you feel like the love you give to others is not always reciprocated? Well, if you have ever struggled with relationships in general, let me be the one to tell you, you are not alone! 

Relationships can be very difficult, not just dating relationships, but also friendships and family relationships. Everybody walks through seasons of uncertainty, especially when it comes to our relationships with others, and even our relationship with God. It seems like we are on a roller-coaster of ups and downs, and this is completely normal. 

Shift your Focus

We submerge ourselves in trying to figure out why our relationships keep failing, or why the ones we love keep letting us down. This disappointment can leave us feeling broken, distant, and unloved. In order to love others and love ourselves, we must first learn to truly receive God’s love. Once we receive that, we are able to shift our focus on building healthy, loving relationships with others and begin to prune out those toxic relationships that keep hurting us. 

Pray for Wisdom

When you are facing a hard season in a friendship or dating relationship, first look to see if there are any patterns. If this is an ongoing issue that has left you feeling hurt time and time again, I would advise that you pray for insight and wisdom to know if this is a relationship worth pursuing. If this is a rare struggle, then it may be worth fighting for and can ultimately make your relationship stronger. 

You are Loved

I encourage you to first press in to the One who is never changing and loves you unconditionally, our Heavenly Father. Now you must choose to receive His love for you before you can truly love yourself and love others to the best of your ability (1 John 4:19). This can be hard to do when we face doubt and insecurity, but know that God loves you more than anything, and ultimately desires to bless you and your relationships.

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